Overdose Prevention Resources
What is an Overdose?
According to the Penington Institute, an overdose means having more of a drug – or combination of drugs – than your body can cope with. There are a number of signs and symptoms that show someone has overdosed. These signs differ with the type of drug used.
Learning more about overdose may just save a life.
Please click on the links below to download helpful information about different types of overdose.
Alcohol Overdose: Signs and What to Do
Depressants Overdose: Signs and What to Do
Opioid Overdose: Signs and What to Do
Psychoactive Substances Overdose: Signs and What to Do
Stimulants Overdose: Signs and What to Do
Crystal Methamphetamine Overdoes: Signs and What to Do
If you or a loved one does not feel in control of their drug use, please ask for help.
Harbor Health offers recovery services at our community health centers in Dorchester, Plymouth, and Hyannis. Visit hhsi.us/IAmReady for more information.