Telehealth at Harbor Health
Would you like to make a telehealth video or phone appointment with your provider at Harbor Health? Or is your first video or phone appointment coming up?
If this is your first telehealth visit or if you have not had a video visit before, you may have questions about how the appointment will work.
Many of our patients do!
Below you will find answers to questions people often have before a telehealth video or phone appointment.
If you do not see the answer to a question you have below, please call your health center prior to your appointment. Contact your health center
PLEASE NOTE: We are only able to provide a telehealth appointment if you are in Massachusetts. If you will be in another state for a telehealth appointment, we are unable to offer care at this time.
Answers to Your Telehealth Questions
What is telehealth?
Using telehealth, you can have an appointment with your provider over video or the phone. You do not have to travel to get the care you need. You can visit with your provider right where you are!
Telehealth appointments can be very convenient. You do not need to travel to the health center and there are convenient appointment times.
A telehealth visit can help decrease the stress from the cost and time spent traveling. You also do not have to take as much time off from work or school for a telehealth appointment.
Just like with any face-to-face appointment, you can have a family member, care provider, or friend join you on a video or phone appointment.
If you need an interpreter, your provider will have one join the appointment by phone.
How do a make a telehealth appointment?
You can make a telehealth appointment the same way you make a face-to-face appointment.
- Call your health center.
- Say you would like to make an appointment with your provider.
- Select a date and time convenient to you.
When you call, we will ask you some questions to make sure you can do a video or phone telehealth appointment.
Can I make a telehealth appointment with any Harbor Health provider or department?
Yes! All Harbor Health community health centers offer telehealth appointments by video and phone. Our primary care, behavioral health, pediatrics, and women’s health providers offer telehealth appointments. Our dental care team also offers telehealth appointments for urgent and emergency dental issues.
PLEASE NOTE: We are only able to provide a telehealth appointment if you are in Massachusetts. If you will be in another state for a telehealth appointment, we are unable to offer care at this time.
How does a telehealth appointment work?
A telehealth appointment is just like a regular appointment.
For a video appointment, you will sit in front of the camera on your phone, tablet, or computer. You will be able to see yourself and your health care provider on the screen once your session begins.
For a phone appointment, you will talk with your provider on your mobile phone or landline.
How does a video visit with my provider work?
For a video appointment, you will sit in front of the camera on your phone, tablet, or computer. You will be able to see yourself and your provider on the screen once your session begins.
These appointments are also called virtual visits or video chats.
During your video visit, your provider will ask you questions and talk with you about issues or concerns you have. We want you to give you the same exceptional care you would get in a face-to-face visit.
Please read the Patient’s Guide to Video Visits and the appointment checklist before your visit.
How does a phone visit with my provider work?
For a phone appointment, your provider will call you at your appointment time.
During your phone visit, your provider will ask you questions and talk with you about issues or concerns you have. We want you to give you the same exceptional care you would get in a face-to-face visit.
Why should I do a video visit instead of a phone visit?
There are many reasons to do a video visit with your provider. It makes it much easier for you to get fast answers to questions you may have about health questions when you provider can see you. You can tell and show your provider during the visit – just like you would at a face-to-face appointment.
Is telehealth private?
Just like a face-to-face appointment, your telehealth visit will be private and confidential. What you say during your visit can only be seen and heard by you and the members of the Harbor Health care team.
Is there a cost for a telehealth appointment?
Yes, there is a cost for a telehealth appointment. If you have insurance, you will be billed for your telehealth appointment the same as if you were seeing your provider in person. Co-pays may apply.
To find out if your insurance company will cover these services, please contact them directly.
If you do not have insurance, we can help you apply and also offer a sliding scale of fees. Discounts are available based on family size and income. Let the health center know when you make your appointment if you need help applying for insurance.
Appointment Resources
There are a few things you can do before your appointment to make sure you are ready for your telehealth video or phone visit.
Telehealth Appointment Checklist
- FIND A PRIVATE SPACE in a room that is as quiet and free from distractions as possible.
- MAKE SURE THE ROOM HAS GOOD LIGHTING OR HAVE A GOOD LIGHT SOURCE to make sure you image is clear. If the picture too fuzzy or dark, try turning on overhead lights and blocking light from windows. Having a flashlight can also give you good lighting.
- MAKE SURE YOUR VOLUME IS ON so your provider and you can hear each other.
- MAKE SURE YOUR PHONE, TABLET, OR COMPUTER IS CHARGED OR PLUGGED IN. You do not want to run out of power in the middle of your appointment!
- HAVE YOUR MEDICATIONS WITH YOU AND A LIST OF QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, AND SYMPTOMS FOR YOU DOCTOR READY. Just like a face-to-face appointment, having your medications with you and what you would like to ask written down will help you to remember during your appointment.
- HAVE THE PHONE NUMBER FOR YOUR HEALTH CENTER HANDY just in case you have a technical issues or the connection is disconnected. Call your health center right away for assistance.
- DRESS APPROPRIATELY. If you are doing a video call, please remember your provider will be able to see you!
You can also read the patient tips below to prepare for your telehealth appointment.